今日は、NHK実践ビジネス英語のLesson16 Working from Home(在宅勤務)の5回目です。
不規則になりがちな「在宅勤務」(working from Home)ですが、普段通りの「朝の日課」(morning routine)を定着させることで、スムーズに仕事に取り掛かれるようになります。
また、「自宅にこもっている」(be cooped up at home)と簡単に「体重が増えてしまう」(put on a few extra pounds)ので、「運動プログラムを実行する」(follow an exercise program)も重要です。
さらに、自分の「精神面・感情面の健康」(mental and emotional health)に「気を付ける」(keep an eye on)ように心がけたり、「情報交換」(compare notes )を行ったりしました。
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● let thing slide 物事を成り行きに任せない[/st-mybox]
✅ You shouldn’t let things slide when you’re working in self-isolation.
☒ Our sales figures have been record low for several years. How have we let things slide so badly?
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● stick to a healthy diet 健康的な食事にこだわる[/st-mybox]
✅ I was also careful to stick to a healthy diet.
☒ No matter what other people say, you should stick to your belief
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● sgive someone food for thought (人に)思考の糧を与える[/st-mybox]
✅ Speaking of diet, this discussion certainly has given us a lot of food for thought.