今日は、Lesson19 Financial Literacy(お金に関するリテラシー)の第1回と第2回です。
米国では、「お金のこと」(money matters)を高校で学ぶことを必須にしている州が増えているようです。「個人資産管理」(personal finance)の授業をとらなければ卒業できないわけです。
授業のテーマとしては、「金銭計画を立てること」(budgeting)や「お金を貯めること」(saving )、「お金を借りること」(borrowing money)、「金利」(interest rate)などが含まれます。
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● have a firm grasp of …をしっかり把握している[/st-mybox]
✅ They need to have a firm grasp of that king of thing.
☒ They need to have a firm understanding of that kind of thing.
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● stay on top of …を完全に掌握している、…を熟知している[/st-mybox]
✅ People need to stay on top of that(system) by developing good math and financial management skills.
☒ People need to get familiar with that system by developing good math and financial management skills.
[st-mybox title=”” fontawesome=”” color=”#757575″ bordercolor=”#BDBDBD” bgcolor=”#f3f3f3″ borderwidth=”0″ borderradius=”5″ titleweight=”bold” fontsize=”” myclass=”st-mybox-class” margin=”25px 0 25px 0″]● be hesitant to …したがらない、…するのをためらう[/st-mybox]
✅ I’ve seen one survey that found two-thirds of parents are hesitant to discuss money topics with their children.
☒ I’ve seen one survey that found two-thirds of parents are reluctant to discuss money topics with their children.