

Tomorrow is the celebration of the “Mid-Autumn Moon.” I hope to see a beautiful view of the Moon on this special night.

It is said that the Earth formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago. It is estimated that the Moon was formed shortly after.

There are several theories about the origin of the Moon. The most widely accepted one today is the “Giant Impact Hypothesis.” This theory suggests that shortly after the Earth was formed, a Mars-sized celestial body collided with it, and the fragments from that collision gradually came together to create the Moon.

The Giant Impact Hypothesis gained strong support after the Apollo missions returned lunar rocks, which were found to have a composition similar to Earth’s.

Considering the scale of events in the universe and the immense amount of time involved, I can’t help feeling how short the time from the birth of humanity to the present, as well as our individual lifetimes, truly is.

