Why Nations Fail(4):Growth under Extractive Institutions


読書中の洋書 Why Nations Fail(邦題:国家はなぜ衰退するのか)の書評記事を数回に分けて書いています。

Amazon | Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty | Acemoglu, Daron, Robinson, James A. | Economic Policy
Amazon配送商品ならWhy Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Povertyが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Acemoglu, Daron,...

今回は第5章(I’ve seen the future and it works)を中心に感想を書きたいと思います。
著者達の一貫した主張は、Extractive Institutionsにおいては(一時的な成長は実現できるものの)持続的な成長は実現できない、というものです。この主張を歴史上の様々な事例で裏付けていきます。

個人的に興味深かったのは、Paul Samuelson(ノーベル経済学賞を1970年に受賞)が、自身の著書(世界中で最もよく読まれている大学学部生向けテキスト)の中で、「旧ソ連の国民所得が米国を凌駕する」と予言していたことです。


旧ソ連はExtractive Institutionの典型例であり、一時的に目覚ましい経済成長を遂げました。理由として、「中央集権国家が自国の資源を(成長が見込める)産業に振り向けたから」というのが著者達の見立てです。当初は上手くいきましたが、持続的成長を涵養する土壌がなかったため、その後失速します。



代わりに読んだのが「近代経済学」(新開陽一,新飯田宏,根岸隆著) 「有斐閣」でした。大変素晴らしい教科書で、当時何度も読み返した記憶があります(残念ながら、既に処分してしまったようで手許にはありません。)




Institutional differences play a critical role in shaping a country’s economic growth. The authors argue that sustainable growth is not possible under extractive institutions, which are characterized by the exploitation of resources and individuals for the benefit of a few elites. Extractive institutions limit innovation and technological progress, leading to economic stagnation rather than long-term growth.

One key point the author makes is that economic growth in extractive systems does not stem from radical technological changes. Instead, it is based on existing technologies, and the growth occurs by reallocating resources such as labor and capital. This growth is often short-lived because it does not involve real technological advancements or improvements in productivity.

The authors also explain that extractive institutions lack the necessary incentives to foster technological change. Workers aware that they are being exploited by the elites, so they have no incentive to improve productivity.

Furthermore, the elites in such systems are reluctant to allow technological progress because they fear it could threaten the power structures on which they depend. The creative destruction could destabilize the very systems that provide them with their wealth and influence.

Ultimately, the authors highlight that incrusive institutions offer opportunities for innovation, fair resource distribution, and incentives for all members of society to contribute to progress, which leads to sustainable economic growth.
