読書中の洋書 Why Nations Fail(邦題:国家はなぜ衰退するのか)の書評記事を数回に分けて書いています。
10回目の今回は、第13章(Why Nations Fail Today)を扱います。
本章では、「略奪的な仕組み」(Extractive Institution)が国家を衰退に導く悪循環(Vicious Circle)として、ジンバブエ、エジプト、ウズベキスタン、北朝鮮などの例を挙げながら解説しています。
This chapter explores the persistent influence of extractive institutions in modern societies. The authors argue that despite globalization and technological advancements, many nations continue to fail due to political and economic systems that concentrate power in the hands of a few elite.
This chapter emphasizes that extractive institutions create a vicious circle. The authors highlight contemporary examples, such as North Korea and Zimbabwe, where elite control stifles innovation and growth. They also discuss how international aid and economic assistance often fail to promote long-term development when these underlying institutions remain unchanged.
The solution to the economic and political failure of nation is to transform their extractive institutions to inclusive ones. While challenging, such a transformation is not impossible.