
Business Insight






On November 1, a new law aimed at improving the working conditions of freelancers will come into effect.

The primary goal of this new law, so-called the Freelance Protection Law, is to create a more stable business environment for sole proprietors in their dealings with larger companies. Freelancers, as independent contractors, often find themselves in a weaker position compared to companies, and this new law aims to address that imbalance by offering additional protections.

A recent survey shows that over 2 million people in Japan work mainly as freelancers, and this new law will impact the labor market.

However, the new law only applies under specific conditions. It will be enforced when a freelancer with no employees receives work from business entities. In other words,  freelancers who employ staff are exempt from the law’s provisions.

Moreover, jobs directly offered by individual consumers or work accepted through platforms that target a broad range of users—whether consumers or businesses—are not covered by the new law.

The law places seven obligations on business entities contracting with freelancers, but these obligations vary depending on the type of contracting entities. The one requirement that all contracting entities must fulfill is the obligation to clearly outline the terms of the contract in writing or another form of documentation.

This ensures that freelancers have a clear understanding of the transaction terms, promoting transparency and fairness in business relationships.
